Swans' World

Welcome to a world of photographic images taken over decades, dessicated, tinkered with, squeezed, stretched and parted from their partnered pixels only to be reintroduced to each other at a later date.

My images are created with a view to print on to various media, all started with the idea of printing on to leather. We are now afforded the technology with which to print on to other media including glass and metals. Elements that can be bent and stretched much like the pixels I work with. Used within and without.

25 Nov 2010

Green Waters

Murky waters on a winters day
Rippled manipulation.

8 Nov 2010

Turbine Two

The original turbines of Tarifa
Set in the mist
Wind and power.
Creative Commons License
Patterns by LjSwan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.